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Cofactors and Coenzymes MCQs

Here are multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Cofactors and Coenzymes. They cover topics such as their roles in enzyme function, their importance in metabolic pathways, and their sources in the body.
So if you’re a student or seeking to deepen your understanding of biochemistry, these MCQs offer valuable learning opportunities for students and enthusiasts alike.
Ready to explore the intricate world of cofactors and coenzymes? Let’s dive into the MCQs below and expand your knowledge of enzymology!
MCQ on Cofactors and Coenzymes
Inorganic partners, such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc ions, that assist enzymes in their activity are called?
Inorganic enzymes
Inorganic factors
organic partners that assist enzymes in their activity are called?
organic enzymes
organic factors
Which of these can act as a cofactor for enzyme?
Iron ions
Potassium ions
Magnesium ions
zinc ions
All of these
All of these
Cofactors and coenzymes are essential molecules that assist enzymes in catalyzing biochemical reactions. Cofactors are typically inorganic ions or metals, while coenzymes are organic molecules, often derived from vitamins.